Mexico - Polyglot Network


CristianAlva27 profile picture CristianAlva27August 2012
Que Tal Enseño Español , quisiera yo aprender Ingles !
Candy05 profile picture Candy05August 2012
Hi! I want to learn more English, Who can help me please I will speak and write well in Spanish.
NaadAlvarez profile picture NaadAlvarezAugust 2012
Wanna learn more english!! xoxo
lfmf profile picture lfmfAugust 2012
Salut! Je cherche qqun avec qui pratiquer l'arabe ou le français.
MACARIA profile picture MACARIAAugust 2012
HELLO, I hope get a convertation for learn english or teach spañish, saludos a todos.
cristiangdl_ profile picture cristiangdl_August 2012
всем привет