English Conversation Club. Let's meet and have fun talking (it's free)., Thu, Mar 14, 2024...


  • Datum: Mar 14, 2024
  • Zeit: 19:30
  • Anschrift: Adresse für Teilnehmer sichtbar
  • www.meetup.com

Join Guadalajara's most beloved English Conversation Club!

Experience a social gathering where you can make new friends, expand your network, engage in conversations, and most importantly, have a great time. Best of all, it's completely free!

This isn't a formal class, there are no strict rules or structure. Just come in, find a spot, and start chatting with fellow attendees. Feel free to move around and meet new people at your own pace.

Keep in mind that our regular members usually don't RSVP, so the number of RSVPs you see here may not accurately reflect the actual turnout. Typically, we have between 20 to 50 participants each night, showing how popular the club has become.

Drop by anytime after 7pm, with most people staying until midnight. The official start time is not crucial, as the majority of regulars usually arrive between 8-9pm. So, if you're an early bird, fret not, you'll soon have company.

Refreshments are available at the venue if you feel peckish, but it's not mandatory to purchase anything.

Feel free to bring along a friend or two. While RSVPs are not mandatory, they are appreciated.

No need to be a fluent English speaker, basic proficiency is all that's needed. Even if you're already skilled, this club offers a chance to practice and socialize with like-minded individuals.

If you're a native English speaker, whether a resident or just passing through Guadalajara, you're more than welcome to join us. We embrace diversity and often have participants from various countries like England, Canada, France, Germany, and beyond.

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