Event description

  • Datum: Feb 10, 2024
  • Time: 09:00
  • Adress: Address visible for attendees
  • www.meetup.com

Join us on a fascinating journey to the Cerro de La Estrella archeological site and national park, located in the southern part of Mexico City. This hidden gem is one of the six archeological sites in the city and offers breathtaking views of Mexico City from the top of an extinct volcano. Prepare for an unforgettable hike through this beautiful national park.

Originally designated in 1938 with 1,100 hectares, Cerro de la Estrella has unfortunately been encroached upon by the city's growth, leaving it with less than 200 hectares. The site derives its name from the colonial-period Hacienda de la Estrella, which was situated on the hill's slopes.

Immerse yourself in the rich Azteca culture as you explore this archeological site, which dates back to the period of 900 – 1521. The slopes of the hill have been inhabited since ancient times, and the site gained significance as the location for the New Fire ceremonies, believed to renew the sun at the end of each cycle. While the celebration was held four times, the fall of Tenochtitlan prevented the fifth event.

For more information and a visual preview of Cerro de la Estrella, visit our blog: https://aztecexplorers.com/2020/11/08/exploring-cerro-de-la-estrella-archeological-site/

Don't miss out on this incredible experience! The price for the tour is 250 pesos without transport and 550 pesos with transport. Payments must be made in advance. If you are abroad, you can conveniently pay through Wise transfer. If you are in Mexico, you have the option to make a cash payment at any 7 Eleven store, Oxxo store, or by cash deposit at any Banamex bank. Mexican residents with a local bank account can also make a local transfer. To check availability and receive payment instructions, please contact Lidia Herrera on WhatsApp at +52 55 1308 3732 (Whatsapp, Lidia Herrera).

Join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Mexico together!

Learn more about us: https://aztecexplorers.com/2016/10/14/aboutus/
(Visit our website for all our blogs under the 'Menu' section).

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