TraumenMeer - Profile

About me

Bonjour! Guten Tag! I am Sebastian. I studied French for 3 years in high school, and I use Rosetta Stone. I also listen to French music and TV to better understand not only the language, but the culture. I struggle with listening, and still need help with grammar. I understand about half the words I read, but where I need the most help is confidence in speaking. I am studying French to reconnect with my roots (ma grand-mère est du Marseille), and also to prepare for my honeymoon in France next year. Some day, I hope to become fluent :-) Auf Deutsch, I understand on an Elementary level (directions, colors, numbers, food, basic sentences). I learned from my Austrian grandfather, a year in school, Rosetta Stone, and music. I need the most help with grammar and vocabulary, and I'd like to learn more about the culture. I enjoy collecting from various languages, so I am grateful to learn new words in any language! I work very often, but I will help as much as I can, please be patient! :D I mostly use the HelloTalk smart phone app, because it is convenient for my schedule. Unfortunately, Skype doesn't work for me.

Teaching language


Registration:July 2015
Last login date:November 2015
Number of logins:141