Sabibi11 - Profile

About me

My name is Sabrina, I am from the USA. I am a musician and visual artist who loves to learn new words. I have been working on my Spanish and went to South America to become better. It helped tremendously because finally I could understand more of what was being said even though I felt Spanish speakers talk really fast. I am currently working on the French language. I practice everyday and am on this website for new friends and people who would like to help me improve. In return I would like to teach or help you with your English. I would also like to learn 100 words in German, Russian, Arabic, Swahili, Mandarin, and any other language someone is willing to help me with. To Learning!

Teaching language

Learning language


Registration:December 2015
Last login date:May 2020
Number of logins:27
Email Open Rate:16.7%