Nalsur95 - Profile

Trust points: 660 (2%)

About me

I was born in a bilingual country, in Ukraine. I have lived in the eastern part for 6 years and learnt both my native tongue, Russian, and Ukrainian there while being a kid. Later, when I turned 6 years old, I moved to Qatar. I came here without any knowledge of Arabic or English, yet these were the only two languages available in schools. It turned to be a swim-or-sink situation for me; I had no choice but learn both languages. I had learnt them both before I turned 8 years old. Thus, I have learnt 4 languages without even a remembrance of how I did that. Later, I became fascinated by Germans, their language, and everything related to them, and I am still fascinated by them (except their sweets... Russian/Ukrainian sweets are much better!). Thus I started learning German all alone. I have reached a conversational level, but never had someone with whom I could practice. To be honest, I never made an intensive immersion into German language learning. :( Later, when I became older, I realized that a language is not only a set of sounds for communication. Each language should be learnt with its culture. It is the culture that gives a language its soul and power. I realized that each newly learnt language opens a new window to the world. A good analogy would be, being monolingual is like seeing the world in black and white, many of the feelings and emotions cannot be described with one language. These feelings and emotions are unfamiliar to a monolingual person to the same extent as some colours to colour-blind people. Each new language gives the ability to see in more colours. After I realized this, I decided to make my hobby learning other languages. Though I am only conversational in German (Good at reading, some writing, but not much in listening and talking), I decided to start learning Swedish along my way in enhancing my German. And so, my language-learning journey starts! EDIT: dropped Swedish a while back. Will return soon enough.

Learning language


Registration:August 2013
Last login date:October 2015
Number of logins:78