MiraSonne - Profile

VIP VIP SILVER MEMBERTrust points: 460 (2%)

About me

Hello, My name is Mira, I am German and currently stay in Rio. I've spent 8 years in other countries (mainly in Australia, Belgium, China, Spain & Holland) and am staying in Rio for One month to practise Portuguese. I'd love to learn Portuguese And help you for Exempel with English or German in return :). Would be great to meet ppl from Rio so we could also catch up to practice. Would be great to hear from you! Mira --- Hola, Me llamo Mira y estoy en Río durante un mes para aprender Portugués. Si os apetece un intercambio de idiomas podría ayudar-os con Alemán o Inglés. Sería bien si vives en Río - así podríamos quedar para hacer un intercambio portugués / Alemán o portugués / Inglés. Un beso, Mira

Teaching language

Learning language


Registration:April 2005
Last login date:October 2013
Number of logins:100
Email Open Rate:100%