Illusaqi - Profile

About me

Hey everybody! Hallo zusammen! I am Illusaqi, an 19-year-old from Dortmund in Germany. My native language is German and as I have been learning English at school for about 9 years I am also quite good at English. I like languages in general and I am especially interested in Russian (which I have been studying at school for 5 years), Irish, Japanese, and several other languages. I like most of the other languages of the world, what a shame that there is not enough time to study all of them. :( Besides I like reading books, watching films and series, chatting with friends, playing computer and video games, (ballroom) dancing and some other stuff. I am a student at university now and don't have much free time, but I try to use a lot of it for learning languages. Feel free to contact me. Ich freue mich auf neue Kontakte. :)

Teaching language


Registration:April 2015
Last login date:June 2018
Number of logins:126
Email Open Rate:100%