Cheesybubblegum - Profile

Trust points: 625 (2%)

About me

你好! こんにちわ! Salut! Hallo! Hola! Hi, I'm from England and I would be happy to help you in your endeavours to learn English, and I hope you would be equally happy to help me in my efforts to become fluent in French and German. A tous qui peuvent m'aider avec mon français, je serais contente de t'aider avec son anglais. Alles, die mich mit Deutsch helfen können, werde ich dich mit English helfen wenn Sie wollen. It sounds quite ambitious, but I would also like to learn Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Sinhalese and Tamil. I've learnt bits from here and there and I just want to get up to a conversational level. I'm not saying I don't want to hear from anyone speaking other languages though, but these are the only languages I have any proficiency in, so yeah, I probably wouldn't be much help to you.

Teaching language


Registration:November 2012
Last login date:March 2014
Number of logins:13