Bobble-owl - Profile

About me

Hi! My name is Tanya. I'm from Russia. I have been studyng English in school since I was 6 years old. However when you are 6, 7 or 8 you just want to play and you don't want to study languages, so my English is pretty bad. Now, I'm 16. Now I'm very interested in English.Besides, I would like to visit other countries; definitly the UK. What about my hobbies?Well, I like playing guitar, domra (which have been studying that in musical school) and drawing (which I have been studying that in art school). Also I like watching films. My favorite films are "The Way He Looks", "Titanic", "Memoirs of a Geisha", "Marie Antoinette", "Стиляги","Ирония судьбы и с легким паром", Иван Васильевич меняет профессию" and other.I also enjoy watching youtube videos, reading books.My favourite authors are Макс Фрай and Oscar Wilde.

Teaching language

Learning language


Registration:March 2016
Last login date:December 2016
Number of logins:35