Luxembourg - Polyglot Reto


gordon_mac profile picture gordon_macAugust 2018
Hi, Any Greeks living in or near Luxembourg city who want to exchange English conversation for Greek conversation?
Alina001 profile picture Alina001September 2012
Hi! A friend told me about this opportunity to learn new languages and I am interested to know when are new events scheduled!
  • ssarme321 profile picture ssarme321November 2016
    Hi dear with due respect and honor please me,My name is ssarmentoalves and i would appreciate if you can write me back on my inbox .i have an important message to tell you.Thanks and wait for your write me back on my inbox ssarmentoalves at gmil Thanks,
kormir profile picture kormirOctober 2013
Hello. Looking to learn greek, im at b1 probably, need native speaker. Can teach french dutch english and russian
Seanie profile picture SeanieSeptember 2012
Hi - I've just been told about this and would love the opportunity to meet people to practice French and Spanish with. I'm obviously an English speaker, so if any French or Spanish speaker wants to improve, that's what I want to do to in their language!
  • Seanie profile picture SeanieOctober 2012
    Hola AXFB - Mira, vivo a lado de Parc de Merl en Luxembourg Ville. Normalmente soy disponible por las tardes - mí email es sean.stenson@gmail y mi movil es +352 621 598690. Podemos intentar por lo menos una vez para ver como va? Hasta pronto, Seán
  • AXFB profile picture AXFBSeptember 2012
    Hi Seanie, I am looking to exchange English-Spanish as well, so let me know your availabity. Best Regards
AXFB profile picture AXFBSeptember 2012
Hi there!

I would like to improve my English skills, conversation and writing as well. If you can help me pls text my in private.

For exchange I can teach Spanish.