Study 普通话

33% GOOD (6 votes)

hello) I'm rom Russia and I want to speak  Chinese very well. In my turn I can help you with your Russian) So call me on skype if you are interested in it


poppy520 profile picture poppy520May 2016
Glad to meet you, I am poppy from China, my Chinese name is YiYi, I do not have Skype. In China a lot of people are using WeChat, you can add my WeChat? I hope we can help each other; my WeChat is: popp520yy
sunqianzu profile picture sunqianzuAugust 2010

i can teach u chinese,also i want to improve my english with you help!,please contact me

winnihot profile picture winnihotAugust 2010

i can teach u chinese,if u still wants,please contact me --winni