Donner des réponses. - Tiếng Việt

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I'm seeking others to teach me Vietnamese while I can help them with their English.


Donner des réponses.

ntmngoc profile picture ntmngocMay 2014
haha.I've added you in my name's nguyentranmyngoc.19h is ok for you?
ntmngoc profile picture ntmngocMay 2014
hi.i can help you!
  • ATTran profile picture ATTranMay 2014
    Great! Let me know a time that is good for you. (Mấy giờ em muốn gặp anh trên Skype? - Screen Name: alytran). Not sure if what I said was right in Vietnamese :P (anh không biết nếu anh đúng). I'm using Google Translate to help me out.