Hi !

25% GOOD (4 votes)
I want to study subjects I study English because of weakness. And I will be happy if you agree to teach me. And I will teach you again the language of my Vietnam ! Thank very much !!!!


enggmaug profile picture enggmaugOctober 2009



My name is Guillaume, I  live in France.

I  don't believe I  would be able to teach you trough the internet, but if you know the basics, we could communicate, so that you can practice and improve.


Anh ten la Guillaume (cac ban viet nam cua anh tich noi ten anh Minh). Anh la nguoi phap, o Ba le.

Anh khong biet noi tieng viet lam, nhung Anh muon hoc.

Anh o nuoc phap, nhung da o nuoc anh mot nam. Anh the noi tieng anh tot, va the help you practice duoc.



I m sorry, my vietnamese is too poor. I  hope you got what I wanted to say.


take care

  • NTTHANH88HY profile picture NTTHANH88HYDecember 2012
    Hello, enggmaug! i want learning english. can you help me. i can teach you vietnamese. if you agree, you contact me: yahoo hoahongsamac_2481988
CYnthia514 profile picture CYnthia514October 2009


Je suis vietnamnienne, Si tu veux, on peut fair des 'amis pour echanger  francais et vietnamien.

mon msn: CYnthia514CYnthia514 profile picture