GIVE ANSWERS - Українська мова

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i want to find langua pather in skype : vitaliti961


fb_1502563985 profile picture fb_1502563985August 2017
hi,I whant to study English together. I am ready!I can stady Ukrainian and russian.write me pls on my email: fb_1502563985fb_1502563985 profile picture
rinat_kovb profile picture rinat_kovbDecember 2016
Hello. My name Rinat . I wish to learn English. If you a native speaker and you want to learn ukrainian (or russian ) write to me. Lets help each other!
mania-marina profile picture mania-marinaJuly 2015
I want to learn english! I can help you to learn the Ukrainian language . My skype: mania-marina3
t2thea2them profile picture t2thea2themMarch 2015
*I want to find a language partner. I will use skype to practice * . That is what you should put
Vitalik159 profile picture Vitalik159October 2014
i can speak Russian