GIVE ANSWERS - Українська мова

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Hi guys, I just started to learn Ukrainian and can't stop anymore, but I realize that it would be helpful to have exchanges with native speakers to accelerate ny learning process. Can anyone help? Leo


Ksanka_92 profile picture Ksanka_92February 2017
I can try to help you
Kristinadi profile picture KristinadiFebruary 2018
Hi! I can help you learn Ukrainiane, its my native language. I from Lviv. I learning English.
Dzikevich profile picture DzikevichMarch 2017
Hello, I'm from Ukraine. I can help you with your problems. Also, I study English language
olesia_sol profile picture olesia_solMarch 2017
I'm a teacher of Ukrainian language, right now i need improve my English, so we can help each other)