Latin American Spanish (native) / Other languages (see post)

56% GOOD (16 votes)


Hola a todos.

Soy  Christ. soy nativo hispanohablante, hablo inglés, aprendiendo otros idiomas como : Portugués, Italiano, Francés, Alemán, Polaco, Ruso Y Ucraniano. dispuesto a colaborar con quien necesite sobre Español e Inglés


Hi Everybody

I'm Christ, I'm Native Spanish speaker, I speak English, learning other languages like: Portuguese,  Italian, French, German, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian. I'm available to give some help with Spanish and English



olyanochka profile picture olyanochkaJanuary 2011

Hi,Christ! I am Olga.I from Ukraine. I want to learn English. Can you help me? I can help you with Ukrainian and Russian. I don`t have skype, so this is my e-maile: olyanochkaolyanochka profile picture. I will very glad to communicate with you.Спасибо огромное, жду.)