CEVAPLA - Türkçe

75% GOOD (4 votes)Yanıtlanmamış
I am a native English/Spanish speaker, who wants to learn the Turkish language and about the Turkish culture. If you are interested, please feel free to message me.


nida2014 profile picture nida2014November 2014
hi. ı can help you
ahsenn profile picture ahsennJuly 2014
türkçeye yardımcı olmaya çalışırım
trefodin profile picture trefodinSeptember 2014
I really want to teach you both language and culture. However, I don't think it's right to separate langue and culture from each other. Anyway if you want my help inform me.
sparta24 profile picture sparta24September 2014
hello i think i can help u
dropsim profile picture dropsimSeptember 2014
I'm turkish my culure is wealthy and my language too. i can help youu
muratyaldiz profile picture muratyaldizSeptember 2014
ı want to help but please halp me for english
sngrbb profile picture sngrbbAugust 2014
ıf you want ı can help you