100% GOOD (5 votes)DijawabPertanyaan Bahasa
Hi. I am from the United States and only know English. I want to learn Turkish and would like help. Thank you.

PS: Try out these free Turkish learning lessons: Free instruction: PrepositionsHOW MANYWeatherNature


saricibey profile picture saricibeyOctober 2017
hi! we can help each other . Ben İngilizce öğrenmeye çalışıyorum sen de Türkçe böylece birbirimize yardımcı oluruz. keep in touch
Leila_muk profile picture Leila_mukOctober 2017
Hi, I want to do practice english. İf u want, i can help u for learning turkish
sule__pala profile picture sule__palaOctober 2017
Hi my names Sule l am trying to learn english. if you want we can be friend.Sorry for my english l am just learning
Denef profile picture DenefMarch 2017
Merhaba. Türkçe öğrenmene yardımcı olabilirim.
Xman87 profile picture Xman87April 2017
I can help you. You can teach me eng. win win.