Donner des réponses. - Türkçe

100% GOOD (5 votes)RéponduQuestion Linguistique
Hi. I am from the United States and only know English. I want to learn Turkish and would like help. Thank you.

PS: Try out these free Turkish learning lessons: Free instruction: PrepositionsHOW MANYWeatherNature

Donner des réponses.

crnnuslu profile picture crnnusluDecember 2017
Sana yardım edebilirim.
I want to learn English can you help me
st59667576 profile picture st59667576November 2017
Hi,I can help to you .can you help to me while I learn English?
itsnotyourspace profile picture itsnotyourspaceNovember 2017
Hello. I can help you to learn Turkish. And can you help to me do my english better?
boztepemelisa profile picture boztepemelisaOctober 2017
Hey. Im from Turkey. Do you want practice for Turkish. And i want to learn english maybe you can want teach english? =)
Maxmo profile picture MaxmoOctober 2017
I can Help
st59667576 profile picture st59667576October 2017
Merhaba ,Türkçe öğrenmene yatdim edebilirim.
abdurrahmanbasol profile picture abdurrahmanbasolOctober 2017

Merhaba. Ben de İngilizce öğrenmeye çalışıyorum. Türkçe öğrenmen konusunda yardım etmek isterim. Teşekkürler.

Hello. I'm trying to learn English too. I would like to help you learn Turkish. Thank you.

mahmut_bas2 profile picture mahmut_bas2September 2017
I can help you ıf you teach english me