Vastake - Türkçe

100% GOOD (5 votes)VastatiKeeleline Küsimus
Hi. I am from the United States and only know English. I want to learn Turkish and would like help. Thank you.

PS: Try out these free Turkish learning lessons: Free instruction: PrepositionsHOW MANYWeatherNature


emrullah_s2 profile picture emrullah_s2March 2017

Type the title here

Type the text here

ozgunk profile picture ozgunkMarch 2017
I can help you, I want to do practise for English and I can teach Turkish to you!. You can message me anytime .)

aykutTRn profile picture aykutTRnMarch 2017
I am here
Selencan profile picture SelencanJuly 2016
Hi. I am from from Turkey and ı am trying to improve my English. I would like to help you learn Turkish.
  • Calluis25 profile picture Calluis25August 2016
    Thank you. That would be great. I can help you with anything you would like to learn in English as well!
141013 profile picture 141013January 2017
hello if you dont annoyed we can talk with whatsapp everyday for practice. can you send me number from message. its me selina