Głosuj teraz!Bez odpowiedzi
Merhaba arkadaşlar! Hey friends! :)

Ben ünıversite ve işte var yani polyglot zaman yok, sadece WhatsApp zaman var (Mesajlar, şarkılar..). Türkçe öğrenmek istiyorum ve Arapça, inglizce ve Fransa biliyorum. Istiyorsun? Seninki numaram bana mesaj lütfen. :)

I go to university and I work, so I don't have much time for PolyGlot, I can only learn/teach on WhatsApp by chatting, audiomessages, songs and so on. I want to improve my Turkish and I can help in Arabic, English and French. If you're interested, send me your number by message please. :)


kubrapeksen profile picture kubrapeksenFebruary 2016
Hey, I am new around here but I am a Turkish native speaker, so i can help you preferably via skype or outlook
derkan777 profile picture derkan777February 2016
hi I can teach you turkish , do you teach me french , arabic and english ?
bengusudilara profile picture bengusudilaraFebruary 2016
Hello, can ı help you want
DerinSuDerin profile picture DerinSuDerinFebruary 2016
If you want, I can teach you Turkish.
MeDecade profile picture MeDecadeJanuary 2016
Hi I can teach you turkish !!
meliisuz12 profile picture meliisuz12January 2016
I can teach you turkish