أعط أجوبة - Türkçe

صوّت الآنتم الإجـابة عليهسؤال لغوي بمعني (سؤال في اللغه المقصوده)
Why isn't "I don't know" "bilmiyorum" instead of "bilmeyorum"?

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أعط أجوبة

marty24 profile picture marty24October 2015
Because the negative ending in Present Countinous Tense: MI, Mİ, MU, MÜ
a) If the last vowel in the imperative root is ''A,I'' then the negative ending is MI -> Al+mı+yorum / Al = Imperative root
b) If the last vowel in the imperative root is ''E,İ'' then the negative ending is Mİ -> Gel+mi+yorum / Gel = Imperative root
c) If the last vowel in the imperative root is ''O,U'' then the negative ending is MU -> Oku+mu+yorum / Oku = Imperative root
d) if the last vowel in the imperative root is ''Ö,Ü'' then the negative ending is MÜ -> Üşü+mü+yorum / Üşü = Imperative root
socrateserk profile picture socrateserkJuly 2017
marty24 gave the correct explanation