투표하세요!보답 없는
I would like to learn Turkish, I can teach English or Spanish in return!


izmirli00 profile picture izmirli00January 2016
I can help you.ı want to learn english
eliff06 profile picture eliff06December 2015
ı can teach you Turkish quite well and ı would like to learn English
fuachime profile picture fuachimeDecember 2015
I can help you and I want to learn english you can help me?
Duraner profile picture DuranerNovember 2015
I am learning English.I am a student at METU. Maybe we can talk and I can teach Turkish
Zyladen profile picture ZyladenNovember 2015
I can help you about Türkçe and im trying to learn Spanish these days so text me
ireeemerden profile picture ireeemerdenOctober 2015
I can help you
casperr profile picture casperrOctober 2015
I can
thehero profile picture theheroOctober 2015
ı can help you about this