أعط أجوبة - Türkçe

صوّت الآندون الإجابة
Selam ! I'm french and I'd like to learn Turkish. I can help you with French or English. Teşekkür ederim !

أعط أجوبة

merveyagmurr profile picture merveyagmurrMarch 2016
ı can teach Turkish to you
horara profile picture horaraFebruary 2016
SelimK profile picture SelimKJanuary 2015
Bonjour ! Je peux vous aider, je sais un peu français (pas très bien ^^ ) Si vous m'aider pour le français, je suis très content .
ozurgen profile picture ozurgenJanuary 2015
came learn
bnogs profile picture bnogsDecember 2014
I can teach you Turkish
bkucukarslan profile picture bkucukarslanDecember 2014
hi ı can teach turkish ı learn english