Most common basic Turkish sentences and words

71% GOOD (7 votes)

I tried to do my best, I had once got these sentences from a good friend. He died suddenly two years ago, but still i want to share it. Maybe it is handy for you, it helped me a lot !   I still miss him.

Here i have a neat version, it seems i have some problems with some turkish characters on this forum board.

here you have the document , Just click here  , and the PDF document will open.

Common sentences :

Merhaba = Hello

Selam = Greets

Selamlar = Greetings

İ yi günler = wish somebody a good day.

İ yi akºamlar = Good evening

İ yi geçeler = Good night

İ yi rüyalar = Have some good dreams

Kendine iyi bak = Watch yourself !

Hello lady/Gentlemen = iyi günler hanı mefenid/beefed

Can I introduce this lady/gentlemen to you ? = Sizi Bayan/Bay .. Ile tanı ºtı rabilir miyim ?

Nice to meet you = Tanı ºtı ğ ı mı za memnun oldum

What is your name ? = Adı n ne?

What is your name ? = Adı nı z ne?

My name is... = Ben Adim....

My name is ...= Benim ismim ..

How are u doing ? = Nası lsı nı z ?

How are you doing = Nası lsı n ?

I’ m fine, thank u, What about you ? = Iyiyim sağ olun, ya Siz ?

Represent asking how it is going ? when somebody asked it to you = Sen nası lsı n ?

Represent asking how it is going ? when somebody asked it to u. = Siz nasilsiniz?

Thank you i'm fine = Iyiyim teºekkür ederim
Thanks i'm fine. = Iyiyim teºekkürler

Good = Iyi

Please = Lütfen

Excuse me = Affedersı nı z

I’ m sorry = özür dilerim

I don’ t understand you = Seni anlamı yorum

Short thank you (Don't say it to people u don't know) = Sağ ol


The way to thank people :

Sağ ol (saa-aul) = Short thank you (Don't say it to people u don't know)

Teºekkürler = Thank you

Teºekkür ederim = Thank you

Teºekkür etmek = A thank to some one


This is the part i need to figured out, the list will be corrected by a turkish man. If there are any corrections of faults , let me know

Adin ne anlamina geliyor? : What is the meaning of your name ?
Nerelisin? : Where do you come from ?
Adresin nedir? What is you home adress ?

Senin telefon numaran nedir ... (isim) : What is your phone number ? (name)
Ne yap

Gününüz Nasil geçiyor? : How was your day ?
Ben im günüm iyi geçti : My day was good

Hangi müziki seviyorsunuz? : What is your favorite music ?

Ne tür müzik dinlersin?: What kind of music do you listen often ?
Kesinlikle: Absolutely , Emim olmak: i'm absolutely sure
yorgun musun? : Are you tired ?
yorucuydu: i'm am/was tired
Erkek arkada

Evet, arkada


Ingilizçe: English

Hollanda'li = Netherlands
Türkçe: Turkish
sakincasi var mi? : Is there something wrong with ?
bilmiyorum : I don't know
Senin e-mail adresini alabilir miyim? : Can i get your email-adres ?
Bu benim e-mail adresim: Here you have my email-adres


Yemek yiyelim: i'm going to eat

hani guzel asklar imkansiz gelir ya insana imkansiz oldugun için asi


Hediyeler satin alabirilsin ama sevgiyisatin alamazsin - you can buy presents, but not buy love.

Bana beni sevdi

Bir erke

Sana bol sükû n ve bar

Güzel hayaller kur    =    have some good dreams.

ºimdi çikmam lazim: I need to go
Güle güle: good bye (Says the one who is staying)
ı smarladı
k : Good bye (Says the one who is leaving)
Sonra görü
rüz: Talk later/ speak to you later.
biliyorsun: you know
basin sag olsun = Im very sorry
sorun degil = no problem
bilgisayarda konusuruyorum'= I'm chatting on the pc
ğ im sana,bitanem . = Well the most beautiful love relationships looks impossible for the person, you know it..bevause you are not here, but i stay in love with you, You are my only one.º gibi yapabilirsin ama O mutluluk değ ildir =You can pretend smile, but not happiness. ğ ini söyleme, bı rak hissedeyim. = Don´t say 'I love you'. Let me feel it ! ğ in güzelliğ i konuºması nda saklı dı r = The beauty of a men is in his words.ı º dilerim.= I wish you rest in peace. (can be written in condeleance)


talib-i-hakk profile picture talib-i-hakkJune 2007


Seni tebrik ediyorum Turkeydreama, bunları bir yabacı olarak senin yazaman ne kadar sevindirici, bö ylelikle bize de ihmal etmiş olduğ umuz bir gö revimizi hatı lattı n, Teş ekkürler.

Hayallerinin gerçekleş mesi dileklerimle...

Alp_eren profile picture Alp_erenJune 2007

Merhaba! :)

It's nice to see a foreigner who knows such Turkish expressions! Baþýn saðolsun for ur friend :(

vincent profile picture vincentJune 2007

Nice material,

that's a good idea : if anyone want to post sentences : thinks you have gathered for your own use and you wanna share ...


ºimdi çikmam lazim

bye bye