AdIm Eliana...I'd like to learn turkish

86% GOOD (7 votes)



AdIm Eliana. Italya' dan geliyorum. I don t speak turkish but I d like to do it.


Can someone help me?


I visited Turkey 2 times and I fell in love. I love turkish culture...everything.. :-)


contact me if you want




FigMerIst profile picture FigMerIstJune 2016
Hi! I am Turkish and can help you improve this language. I need to improve my Italian. Please send me a message if you are interested.
silentavolkano profile picture silentavolkanoApril 2014
I have some professionally teaching experience in Imam reza Uni. and I'm learning Italian So I think we could mutually cooperate in learning each other's languges!
ayshenuraLmond profile picture ayshenuraLmondApril 2014
hi. Eliana . can ı help you. everynight meet skype . ıf you want to add me =) skype : aysenurbadem good bye
memoma profile picture memomaMarch 2014
off course miss can i help you if you want and you can come istanbul
serennn profile picture serennnMarch 2014
merhaba yardımcı olabilirim.
jaji profile picture jajiNovember 2013
Ciao eliana!
sono turco da istanbul.posso aiutarti se vuoi? Neanche io anche parlo l'italiano forse sarebbe meglio fra due lingue madre) ajaja ciao a presto!
HeH12 profile picture HeH12November 2013
hi Eliana, i can help you. I improve your turkish. Contact with me immediately.Then i can give mail and fb information.
hasanefe profile picture hasanefeMarch 2010

hi eliena i can help u . i'm from turkey in izmir