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Merhaba! If you like, I can offer to teach you the english language (at any level), and you can practice what you know  in the messages we exchange. Since I want to move to Turkey, I need to learn turkish as soon as possible.. Unfortunately I'm a bloody beginner so far.

Selam! Wenn Du möchtest, kann ich Dir die deutsche Sprache beibringen (auf jeglichem Niveau) und Du kannst in den Messages mit mir üben was Du gelernt hast. Da ich in die Türkei ziehen möchte, muss ich möglichst bald Türkisch lernen. Leider bin ich noch blutiger Anfänger.


Jaquon profile picture JaquonFebruary 2010

Hello there, I can help you with Turkish =)  I taught Turkish in Belgium for a summer work, I am experienced in teaching it. I have many foreign students that I teach on the Internet. (Brazilian,  English, Hungarian, Japanese, Italian..) It would be awesomesauce to have you around!  =)

Drop me line!

