Help with higher register of Tibetan translation

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My sister wants to get a tattoo of a phrase from Timothy Leary translated into Tibetan.  The phrase is "Turn off the mind, float downstream", and it comes from a book Leary wrote on psychedelics and the Tibetan Book of the Dead.  The long story is that my sister thought it had come from the book in translation, but when we found out it was Leary's original phrase, she still wanted it in Tibetan because she liked the script.

I agreed to do a translation that I've been working on, but I was hoping someone could proof it and, if possible, help me to get it into a higher register, such as might have been used by priests in sacred writing.

So far I have སེམས་ཁོག་ཐུར་དུ་བཞུརས། (zooming in might work to read it).  I'm hoping to change the words implying a general sense of "downward" to the more literal (though really figurative) "down the stream," which shouldn't be too difficult, but any help on this or the issues mentioned above would be greatly appreciated.