DÊ RESPOSTAS - ภาษาไทย

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🤗 How do you say "hello" in Thai?
Dear Polyglots 😃

Could you please help PolyglotClub complete the Wiki page that contains the different ways to greet people in Thai?

➡ Thai Greetings (Edit the Wiki)

Many thanks!
Vincent, PolyglotClub founder

PS: Find free Thai learning lessons here: Free teaching: Numbers 11 100At the Post OfficeEducationTelephone Numbers


Aum1516 profile picture Aum1516July 2022
Sa-wat-dee-krub (สวัสดีครับ) For a man
Sa-wat-dee-kha (สวัสดีค่ะ) For a woman
pingping221 profile picture pingping221January 2022


(sa-wat-dee-krub or sa-wat-dee-kha)