GIVE ANSWERS - Schwiizerdütsch

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🕒 How do we Express the Future in Swiss German?

PS: Check out these free Swiss German learning resources: Free tutorial: Future TenseLiechtenstein TimelineHow to Say Hello and GreetingsFood


ena0beee profile picture ena0beeeJune 2022
you add the verb ”wärde” (”to become” in english, analogous to the german ”werden”) i.e. ”i go” becomes ”i will go”
-> ”ig ga” becomes ”ig wirde ga”

or you can just say ”ig ga” (present tense) if you add a time marker
i.e. ”i‘m going tomorrow”
-> ”ig ga morn” OR ”ig wirde morn ga” (both ok)

(obviously there are regional differences. i‘m from bern, so i speak bärndütsch)