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🤗 How do you say "hello" in Swiss German?
Dear Polyglots 😃

Could you please help PolyglotClub complete the Wiki page that contains the different ways to greet people in Swiss German?

➡ Swiss German Greetings (Edit the Wiki)

Many thanks!
Vincent, PolyglotClub founder

PS: Check out these free Swiss German learning resources: Free tutorial: AdjectivesGenderFoodTongue twisters


SwissalpS profile picture SwissalpSFebruary 2022
Most places the french ’salut’ is used. In the north ’gruezi’ is very common. In the mountains ’Gruess-Gott’ is a general polite way to say hi.
You wouldn’t use ’salut’ (salue) in formal settings where as with ’gruezi’ can be used for semi-formal settings.

Safest is to use ’gruessech’/’gruess-euch’

Dialects will have variations.