Teach me Swedish and I can teach you English, Czech or German :)

Voĉdoni nun!

I need bto learn at least basics in swedish. I want to study swedish and i need some basics fot entrance exam. 
I can teach you English, Czech or German. Or be just your friend! :)



dorian64 profile picture dorian64September 2013
Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, always as an end and never as a mere means.
dorian64 profile picture dorian64September 2013
The insights and concepts are the building blocks of our knowledge, so there can be no concepts without intuitions and intuitions without concepts.
edithKkuku profile picture edithKkukuApril 2013
Hello, My name is Edith, I will like to be friendly with you. Please write me directly to my email contact at (edithKkukuedithKkuku profile picture) to know more about me. Miss Edith