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Hello I am a French student and I want to learn Swedish. I started completely! In exchange I can teach you French. If you're interested send me a message! thank you for your attention


CAlamaa profile picture CAlamaaFebruary 2013
Hi there! I'm currently in New York but will be back in Stockholm soon. I'm okey in french but still struggles a lot with all your crazy expressions and verbs. However I'm happy to exchange french for Swedish in which I'm of course fully fluent. I have also been teaching some Swedish before both at Swedish high schools and between UN-interns in NYC. Let me know if you are still up for it.
candacethomas3583 profile picture candacethomas3583February 2013
Hej dar! I would love to learn Svenska. I just started learning, so I am limited in my Swedish. If anyone is willing, I would love to practice with you. In return, I can teach English or Spanish. Tack!
SilviaLike profile picture SilviaLikeJanuary 2013
God Dag Min mormor är svenska. If you need help, contact me. Right now I am in Stockholm, I will replay when I can