Tanel Padar & The Sun - Tahan elada (pop/rock)

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Eleane profile picture EleaneJanuary 2009

The Sun with its singer Tanel Padar is one of the best known pop rock bands in Estonia. Tanel Padar - along with Dave Benton - performed a song "Everybody" in the Eurovision Song Contest 2001 and won.

TAHAN ELADA (I want to live)

Istun üksinda siin, 
tahan sul' rääkida...
Akna taga kuusõõr,
kell on vaevalt pool viis.
Ma pean, ent raske rääkida 
on tormist minu sees, 
kui ümber kõik on vait.

  I'm sitting here alone,
I want to tell you...
There's a circle of moon behind the window,
It's hardly half past four.
I have to, but it's hard to talk
about the storm inside me,
when everything is silent around me.

Veel veini üks klaas,
õues kassikoraal.
Sa tead, et olid sõber hea,
ent torm on minu sees 
ja ümber kõik on vait,
mu sees!

One more glass of wine,
(there's) a cat choral outside.
You know that you were a good friend
but there is a storm inside me
and everything is silent around me,
inside me!


Tahan elada, vabaks kiskuda,
aga ma ei saa, olen väsinud.
Tahan elada,  jälle armuda,
aga ma ei saa, olen loobunud...


I want to live, rip myself free
but I cannot, I am tired.
I want to live, to fall in love again
but I can't, I have given up...

Veel veini üks klaas,
õues kassikoraal.
Sa tead, et olid sõber hea,
ent torm on minu sees 
ja ümber kõik on vait,
mu sees!

One more glass of wine,
(there's) a cat choral outside.
You know that you were a good friend
but there is a storm inside me
and everything is silent around me,
inside me!


Tahan elada, vabaks kiskuda,
aga ma ei saa, olen väsinud.
Tahan elada, vabaks kiskida,
aga ma ei saa, olen loobunud...


I want to live, rip myself free
but I cannot, I am tired.
I want to live, rip myself free
but I cannot, I have given up...

Ainus milleks mul on jõudu, 
saata sulle veel need read.
Ainus mida soovin öelda - tahan elada!

The only thing I have strenght left for
is sending you those lines.
The only thing I wish to say - I want to live!

Tahan elada, vabaks kiskuda,
armust joobuda, valust karjuda!
Tahan elada, jälle armuda,
armust joobuda ja valust karjuda!

I want to live, to rip myself free,
to become besotted of love, to shout because of pain!
I want to live, to fall in love again,
to become besotted of love and to shout because of pain!