GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

100% GOOD (6 votes)svarade
Hello I'm German and I want to learn Arabic. Does anyone want to help me learn it?


laula7 profile picture laula7August 2017
yes i do
islamelattar profile picture islamelattarJuly 2017
i can help you if you really want

Yasceine_Bahbouh profile picture Yasceine_BahbouhJuly 2017
Please feel free to contact me. In return I will be please if you can teach me Deutsch.
Almahdi199 profile picture Almahdi199July 2017
Ja ich kann und ich möchte gern deutsch auch lernen
AHMADCR7 profile picture AHMADCR7July 2017
Meine Mutersprach ist Arabich . Ich muchte lerne Deutch.
mohammd_al profile picture mohammd_alOctober 2016
I can to help you
oth_khairy profile picture oth_khairyOctober 2016
may name in skype is drkhairy19772 i can help in arabic for german .
Houcem profile picture HoucemJuly 2016
i have a good experience in theaching the arabic language ..
so you can contact me