GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

100% GOOD (6 votes)respondit
Hello I'm German and I want to learn Arabic. Does anyone want to help me learn it?


Vanilla_sky94 profile picture Vanilla_sky94November 2015
Hey, Arabic language is my mother tongue, if you need any help, you can contact me.
samirkoje profile picture samirkojeMarch 2015
I can help you Iam too now in Germany Iam need learn Germany
salahEgypt profile picture salahEgyptMarch 2015
ok I'm ready
MoazMayhoub profile picture MoazMayhoubFebruary 2015
Ich spreche Arabisch ,Englisch und ein bisschen Deutsch. Was wünschen Sie?
shlhoub profile picture shlhoubJanuary 2015
Ja gerne. Arabisch ist meine Muttersprache.Ich lerne jetzt Deutsch .
Lara_Adeeb profile picture Lara_AdeebJanuary 2015
yes I'm a native Arabic speaker and I use a little help from you too