GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

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Hello, I want to learn fusha arabic in exchange for teaching English. This would have to be a female exchange. If there is anyone out there that could help I would greatly appreciate it!


laula7 profile picture laula7September 2017
Mutaz2008 profile picture Mutaz2008August 2016
Hello, i am ready to help anyone who wants to improve his/her Arabic skills, text me if you want to start
My e_mail : Mutaz2008Mutaz2008 profile picture
Account in facebook : motaz maged nairuokh
nihadsaaban profile picture nihadsaabanAugust 2016
my skipe is omhamza.mohammed
nihadsaaban profile picture nihadsaabanAugust 2016
ok iam muslim woman can help you to learn arabic
and could you help me to improve my english?
dalibigx profile picture dalibigxNovember 2015
i am here
SuhaAlqarni profile picture SuhaAlqarniAugust 2014
   i can help you so send me on skype suha_alq
nadiam profile picture nadiamAugust 2014
I can help my name nadia from sudia my native language arabic