GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

95% GOOD (19 votes)ענה
يمكن لأي شخص أن يساعدني في العربية الفصحى؟ شكرا


Mutaz2008 profile picture Mutaz2008August 2016
Hello, i am ready to help anyone who wants to improve his/her Arabic skills, text me if you want to start
My e_mail : Mutaz2008Mutaz2008 profile picture
Account in facebook : motaz maged nairuokh
Aboody22 profile picture Aboody22August 2016
اكيد استطيع مساعدتك
alinaseem profile picture alinaseemAugust 2016
  • alinaseem profile picture alinaseemAugust 2016
    I am a university professor of Arabic language specialist I want to learn English in an interactive .. I hope to respond at the earliest opportunity You Greetings
Haithampolyglot profile picture HaithampolyglotAugust 2016
No problem can help
Abrar66 profile picture Abrar66June 2016
انا استطيع تعليمك العربية الفصحى
azizona profile picture azizonaJune 2016
It's my pleasure

My skybe Azizona_88