DAI RISPOSTE - العربية القياسية

71% GOOD (7 votes)Senza risposta
English/french/german for learning arabic !

Must be a native speaker, and around my age group, willing to teach me. I am a muslim and i believe it is important to learn arabic.

I use facebook and skype to communicate :) Write me


Bye now


R4CHID profile picture R4CHIDAugust 2014
ok this is my fb https://www.facebook.com/rachid.labdlaui
you can talk with me any time
Fadelbarri profile picture FadelbarriJuly 2014
Welcome Brother .. Add Me www.facebook.com/FadiH3T
Oussamac profile picture OussamacJune 2014
yes i can and i want to learn English
youssebaghdadi profile picture youssebaghdadiJuly 2014
i can teach you arabic my skype youssebaghdadi
Shireen96 profile picture Shireen96June 2014
I can
otmaneziani profile picture otmanezianiMay 2014
i'm new here and i will study english and frensh i can teching arabic and morrocan language if you interesing
fouad_daachi profile picture fouad_daachiMay 2014
je peut t'aider pour apourendre l'arabe et moi je veut apprendre le français si vous pouvez m'aider mon skype fouad.daac. je suis un ensiegnient de la langue arbe dans un école primaire