GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

100% GOOD (17 votes)Sa răspuns
ارىد ان اتكلم الاعربي ساعدو من فضلك


Fahad1234 profile picture Fahad1234May 2014
السلام عليكم
RedouanAgzanay profile picture RedouanAgzanayApril 2014
i can teach you arabic, and i want to learn german
isalm_elmasry25 profile picture isalm_elmasry25April 2014
I can teach you arabic if you can teach me English. My skype is : islam.elmasry25
waela3m profile picture waela3mApril 2014
I'm wael
fm egypt
I can help u
kann profile picture kannApril 2014
طبعا مرحبا بك welcom