أعط أجوبة - العربية القياسية

100% GOOD (17 votes)تم الإجـابة عليه
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أعط أجوبة

AMMAR_EKSAYAD profile picture AMMAR_EKSAYADSeptember 2016
Hello .. I read your words and I can help you to learn Arabic .. it's my native language .. if you ready massege me .
Mutaz2008 profile picture Mutaz2008August 2016
Hello, i am ready to help anyone who wants to improve his/her Arabic skills, text me if you want to start
My e_mail : Mutaz2008Mutaz2008 profile picture
Account in facebook : motaz maged nairuokh
zaidsufian profile picture zaidsufianAugust 2016
i understand arabic
zaidsufian profile picture zaidsufianAugust 2016
i wont learn englih
alfierceamen profile picture alfierceamenJuly 2016
I can help you
roaa2424 profile picture roaa2424July 2016
Happy to help
oooo profile picture ooooJuly 2016
i can help you to learn arabic
koko2016 profile picture koko2016July 2016