GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

100% GOOD (2 votes)ללא מענה
hi i can help anyone learn english language. i would would like someone to teach me najdi arabic or arabic in general. i do not mind skype very flexible.


abauob profile picture abauobJuly 2015
i can helping you to learn arabic but i need your help on can learn english skype abanob.magde1
baraain profile picture baraainSeptember 2014
I will help you .. add me in skype: misterbaraa
suska profile picture suskaSeptember 2014
Can you help me to speak fluently english ..and i'll learn you to speak arabic .. i am basically from egypt
  • ttom1006 profile picture ttom1006September 2014
    ممتالز انا الماني بص اتكلم الانكليزي انا مترجم بن الانكليزي والالماني اريد تعلمم المصري
ttom1006 profile picture ttom1006September 2014
اريد عن اتعلم اللعجة المصرية
انا الماني واتكلم الانكليزي والاسباني والتشيكي
انا مترجم
maroo_s_m profile picture maroo_s_mSeptember 2014
help me pleas to learn english ican teatch u arabic