GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

94% GOOD (17 votes)ענה
أنا مسلم والإسلام دين كامل ، لكني لست إنساناً كاملاً ، إذا ارتكبت خطأً ، فلا تلوموا الإسلام ، بل لوموني أنا


jesuisdeyemen profile picture jesuisdeyemenFebruary 2014
Islam is berfect but muslims are not .. and if one muslim did some thing wrong ..then he is the one to be blamed .. not Isalm .
  • Mona00Mostafa profile picture Mona00MostafaJanuary 2021
    In other words Islam is perfect, but people in general ((( Not only the Muslims))) are not.
    So, if anyone whatever his religion whatever his ethnicity, whatever his color is, if he did something wrong, he is the one to be blamed.

    Anyway, it doesn’t make sense to say Muslims are not perfect as well as to say non Muslims are not perfect. All of us are human not angels and all of us do the right as well as the wrong. But, not all of us feel good while behaving in a bad way or doing something wrong.
Hokish profile picture HokishAugust 2014
Great reminder !
fb_1486295568 profile picture fb_1486295568May 2019
I support your words
malak_amja profile picture malak_amjaJuly 2019
كلام صحيح ميه بالميه
ومافي انسان معصوم عن الخطا
Loly123 profile picture Loly123August 2014