DAI RISPOSTE - العربية القياسية

100% GOOD (2 votes)rispostoDomanda Linguistica
What is the difference between ”سلام عليكم” and ”السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُمْ” ?

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Standard Arabic: Learning session: Arabic danceSyria TimelineTHE USE OF THE AFFIXED PERSONAL PRONOUNSApologies


kazoha profile picture kazohaJanuary 2022
وعليكم السلام
bezzaf profile picture bezzafJanuary 2022
essalam aleykom is more formal . academic, sometimes with religious connotation . it is standard . but salam aleykom : is between friends , or family members , it has egyptian arabic connotation . but we can say SALAM , its like saying Hi in English .