PS: Immerse yourself in these free Standard Arabic lessons: Tips: Vehicles — Politics — At the Store — Popular Arabic sports
- vincent
June 2019
![]() | Fouad01June 2019 Hello there ! A very pertinent question,The Standard Arabic ( العربية الفصحى ) is no more spoken, only in official occasions, but there're certainly many of idioms in Standard Arabic that we use in common in all the Arab countries, I'll present to you some of them: 1- (الحيطان لها آذان -Walls have ears ) That's to say that we should be careful of anyone that could hear our secrets. 2- (رجع بخفي حنين-Literally means He's returned with Hanin's shoes ) It means going forward to achieve something and returning with a failure or empty-handed. 3- ( اختلط الحابل بالنابل - Everything got mixed up ) It's a case when the good thing gets mixed up with the bad thing. 4- ( لا ناقة له فيها ولاجمل - Literally means he has neither a camel nor a female camel on that area, so the meaning : It's none of someone's business) When someone has no relation with a particular issue or area, in which he should not interfere. I hope that my presentation offered some help. |
vincentJune 2019 Thanks a lot Fouad
![]() | msayedahmedJune 2019 Arabic language is rich with its idioms. You can figure that each community have their own one's. Basically, There are lots of common idioms you can find and hear among several Arab communities which such as: If your home made by glass, dont throw stones into others' homes. )ان كان بيتك من زجاج, لا ترمي بيوت الآخرين بالحجارة) Thats generally means dont focus on other's bad sides because everyone have some of them. |
vincentAugust 2019 Thanks
![]() | 1lyassAugust 2019 1) بِشِق الأَنْفُس ‘bi-shiq al-anfus’ Literally, it means بِشِق ‘with dissection/cracking’ الأَنْفُس ‘the souls’—with dissection of the souls Idiomatically, it means ‘with great effort/difficulty’ 2) صَاحِب وَجْهَين ‘SaaHib wajhayn’ Literally, it means صَاحِب ‘owner of’ وَجْهَيْن ‘two faces’ Idiomatically, it means ‘hypocrite’ 3) مَا بِاليَد حِيْلَة ‘maa bi-al-yadd Hiilah’ Literally, it means مَا ‘no’ بِاليَد ‘in hand’ حِيْلَة ‘tick’ Idiomatically, it means ‘helpless/unable to help’ 4) الطيور على اشكالها تقع. (it-tuyuur 3ala aškaaliha taqa3u.) Meaning: Birds of a feather flock together. 5. هاك الشبل من ذاك الأسد. (haak iš-šiblu min zaak il-asad.) Meaning: This cub is from that lion. Alternate version: Like mother, like daughter. |