GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

67% GOOD (3 votes)ubesvart
What Arabic should I learn? Is Modern Standard Arabic really understood across the Arabic world? Are Egyptian Arabs widely understood, since they make up 20% of Arabic speakers?


SomayaAhmedd profile picture SomayaAhmeddAugust 2015
Egyptians understand al arabic accents plus to learn , you can choose an accent like shami or egyptian or iraqi because not all speak fosha
Zakzook profile picture ZakzookAugust 2015
Learn Modern Standard and everyone will understand. Egyptian dialect is widely understood too but I'd definitely recommend you start with Modern Standard Arabic.
youcefEN profile picture youcefENAugust 2015
you must to learn fosha ferst an then you can speak as you like
lefthanded profile picture lefthandedAugust 2015
Egyptian dialect is a good start, it's widely understood across the Arab world since the Egyptian films, series are widely spread.
BCDE profile picture BCDEMay 2015

look there are two types of Arabic The standard one and the one who Egyptians talk with, but they are the same. If you speak with each of them, everyone will undersand you clearly & easily.

sabreen profile picture sabreenApril 2015
hi i can help u to learn arabic ..
sabreen profile picture sabreenApril 2015
hi i can help u to learn arabic ..
hamzayoussuf profile picture hamzayoussufDecember 2014
العربية الفصحى