GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

94% GOOD (17 votes)respondit
i want to learn arabic and can teach turkish or english in exchange. i have no contact with arabic language before.


shikafukatoku profile picture shikafukatokuJanuary 2014
i can teach you
wissem2323 profile picture wissem2323August 2013

i want to learn english and i can teach arabic

safia1985 profile picture safia1985August 2013
I can teach you Arabic it is my native language in the other hand i want to help me in learning english
  • obsame profile picture obsameAugust 2013
    méme moi je vuex quelqu'n pour me donner des aids je suis trés mal dans la launge francais ..pour vous avis il y une petite faut dans ton contenu vous devez dire :I want you to help me to learn english ... et bon courage good luck
nansouf profile picture nansoufAugust 2013
ok you want to learn arabic and i want to learn english
To be together and share
foxtiger profile picture foxtigerAugust 2013
i can tech you Arabic this is mother language and i was study so i can teach you and u tech me turkish if u want this my account u can sent me message
waelali profile picture waelaliAugust 2013
i can tech you Arabic this is mother language and i was study alazahr univeristay so i can teach you and u tech me english
if u want this my account
u can sent me message