GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

94% GOOD (17 votes)Besvarte
i want to learn arabic and can teach turkish or english in exchange. i have no contact with arabic language before.


athena123 profile picture athena123July 2015
i can teach you arabic
abauob profile picture abauobJuly 2015
i can helping you to learn arabic but i need your help on can learn english skype abanob.magde1
youcefDOC profile picture youcefDOCAugust 2014
it can help you
Fraiza profile picture FraizaDecember 2014
i can help you too
brwabawan profile picture brwabawanDecember 2014
i can help you to learn arabic language
Lara_Adeeb profile picture Lara_AdeebDecember 2014

 I'm from Syria and I'd be glad to help you ..

Akanjo profile picture AkanjoDecember 2014
Hi, i can provide my service to learn Arabic

You can add me on skype: ayham_kanjo2
Or Facebook : Ayham.kanjo

Thank you