أعط أجوبة - العربية القياسية

100% GOOD (5 votes)تم الإجـابة عليهسؤال لغوي بمعني (سؤال في اللغه المقصوده)
In need of an Arab teacher

Hello, my name is Patrick and I am from Linz, the capital of Upper Austria. I want to learn Standard Arabic as I already know Spanish and the influence of the language is rising. The problem is, that the platform I use for learning languages doesn´t have Arabic yet. I am now searching for a teacher who could recommend me some materials, sites etc. and maybe explain grammatical structures, the writing and talk to me to improve my speaking. I do not speak any Arabic yet.


PS: Discover these free Standard Arabic lessons: Textbook: Lebanon TimelineDrinksGenderCognates List

أعط أجوبة

mussah1973 profile picture mussah1973February 2018
I can teach you the language as a native speaker but choose the method from letters to mastering
 February 2018
hello Patrick... I think that this youtube channel will be quite helpful for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVyFx9VG41U&list=PLB1es-4QvwS2sR3OqyItHinwxxtI1Ty2k
I will search for the more helpful website and tell you about them. and if I could help you with anything I will do gladly

with my best wishes
amirabzt profile picture amirabztFebruary 2018
Hey I can teach you Arabic language I'm native speaker
Abeeralchooq profile picture AbeeralchooqSeptember 2023
مرحبًا بك
أنا عبير معلمة محترفة من مصر
يمكنني تقديم دروسًا معتدة لك
NusibaTalahmeh profile picture NusibaTalahmehJune 2020
Hello, I can help you ☺️